Eating to Lose Weight

Fat Loss, Weight Loss, and Diet Related Articles
Why Cardio Doesn't Work For Some People: A NEAT Explanation
At the Burn the Fat Inner Circle member forums, I get a question which comes up with alarming frequency: “Why isn’t my cardio working?” Despite not only doing regular cardio for weeks, but actually increasing the duration of her workouts, one member still saw no added fat loss and started wondering what she was doing wrong… or what was wrong with her! I gave her the surprisingly simple answer, which I’ve printed for you as well in this article and new research has added even more to the answer – it’s a NEAT explanation…
What No One Is Telling You About Calories In VS Calories Out 
I'm going to share with you the most crucial weight loss strategy that will literally make or break your success. This is the number one fat loss tip I could ever give you. If you don't get this right, you can kiss your fat loss results goodbye. This is the one absolute requirement for weight loss, and it’s something you’ve probably heard of before. However, there’s one critical distinction about this familiar advice that you might not have considered - and this one thing makes all the difference in the world…
The See-Food, Reach-Food Diet 
You’ve heard of the “See-Food” diet haven’t you? No, that’s not the diet where you load up on fish, lobster, crab and mussels. The See-Food Diet is the one that so many of us crack jokes about – it’s the diet where you eat everything in sight! But don’t laugh too hard. Scientists at Cornell University and other research institutions have proven that you actually WILL eat more food if you see food more. In fact, if you can see it and it’s within arm’s reach, you could eat yourself obese within a few years and not even know what hit you because the eating happens unconsciously.
Night Time Eating and Fat Loss 
“Eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a prince and eat dinner like a pauper.” This maxim can be attributed to nutrition writer Adelle Davis, and since her passing in 1974, the advice to eat less at night to help with fat loss has lived on and continued to circulate in many different incarnations.
The Truth About Fast Weight Loss 
Lack of patience is one of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to losing body fat. If you want to lose FAT, not muscle, and if you want to keep the fat off for good, then you have to take off the pounds slowly (of course, if you want to crash diet the weight off fast, lose muscle with the fat and gain all the fat back later, be my guest!).
An Insanely Effective Type of Interval Training 
High intensity interval training can be done in a variety of different ways. Here’s a wickedly-effective type of interval training: it requires no machines or fancy equipment, you can do it outside in the sunshine and fresh air, it develops killer conditioning, carves out legs like a sprinter, and burns calories at an accelerated rate…
The Doctor Says "Aerobics Will Kill You!" 
I recently got an email from a reader who was told by a fairly prominent doctor/author that aerobics and running will “kill you” (that was more or less the gist of it). As a result, you should avoid aerobics like the plague, says this MD. Since I’ve tolerated enough “steady state cardio is dead” and “aerobics doesn’t work” nonsense over the last few years, despite the success stories I keep churning out that clearly show otherwise, (not to mention my own bodybuilding success, which includes regular cardio), I thought I should not only answer my reader, but also make this topic into an article for anyone else who may have doubts.
Heavy Metals Found In Protein Shakes: Should You Stop Drinking Them? 
A recent investigation on protein drinks has been causing waves of concern or even alarm to ripple through the fitness and bodybuilding world. Supplement companies are up in arms and people are wondering whether they should stop drinking protein shakes after the magazine said they tested 15 protein drinks for heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury) and 3 of them came up above the proposed safe limits…
It's Not About The Body Fat 
How they lost 100 lbs or more is a topic that always gets a lot of attention and is very popular in the media. Whenever someone loses a lot of weight, there is always buzz from those who were inspired by hearing about these huge body fat losses and before/after transformations. I was inspired, too. But sometimes I think we focus too much on the almighty scale and body fat percentage and forget about something even more important…
New HIIT Research: A Practical Model For High Intensity Interval Training 
High intensity interval training, also known as HIIT, has become immensely popular in the last decade. HIIT involves alternating brief bursts of very high intensity exercise (work intervals) with brief segments of lower intensity exercise (recovery intervals). One problem with some types of HIIT is that they call for such high intensity bursts - literally all out sprints - that they’re not practical for everyone, and possibly not even safe for older or overweight individuals. A recent study out of McMaster University has tested a protocol for HIIT that produces impressive results in a short period of time without the need for “all-out” sprints…
The Double-Edged Sword of "Healthy" Fast Food 
What’s on the menu at the big fast food chains lately? Oddly enough, the answer is… “health food!” Even more incongruous, many are marketing their food for weight loss. Healthy weight loss food at Taco Bell and McDonalds? Is this a noble move to be applauded, is it a big corporate money grab, or is it a double edged sword?
Once an Endomorph Always an Endomorph? (Can Your Body Type Change?) 
Are you an ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph body type? To maximize your results, regardless of whether your goal is fat loss or muscle gain, it’s helpful to know your body type and adjust your approach according to your type. But a big question that almost no one has ever answered is, “Does your body type change over time?” If so, then what? Do you have to totally change your nutrition and training again? And if your body type doesn’t change, does this mean you are stuck being a fat endomorph for the rest of your life, doomed because of genetics? Read on to find out.
Nutrition Label Lies & Loopholes: Serving Size Sleight of Hand 
For years, concerned consumers and watchdog organizations have been screaming that the U.S. labeling laws are full of loopholes and in need of serious revision. After years of talk, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says they’re planning to so something about it. But will it be enough?
tom venuto showing six pack abs at 4.7% body fat
From Calorie Clueless to Calorie Competent 
Why is it that any time you hear the words “calorie counting” or “food journaling”, people start running for the hills? If creating menus, counting calories and keeping a food journal are research-proven, effective tools for nutrition awareness, education, motivation and accountability (they are), then why is there so much resistance to it?
What is the Ideal Body Fat to See Your Abs? 
Measuring your body fat percentage is a valuable tool to chart your progress on your quest to get six pack abs. Hopefully most people realize by now that abdominal exercises don’t burn fat off your stomach. Abs are made in the kitchen, not just in the gym. No matter how much you work out, if you don’t eat right and achieve a calorie deficit, your abs will remain covered in a layer of adipose.
Does Cold Weather Make You Store Body Fat? 
Do you get fatter in the cold weather? It’s a good question right now, considering that this year’s farmer’s almanac is predicting a frigid winter and true to the prediction, the Huffington Post just ran a story, “Cold Temperatures Greet The New Year.” It’s FREEZING here in New Jersey and it’s not like this is the Yukon territory.
Does Hypnosis Work For Weight Loss? 
Hypnosis conjures up images of a bearded man with piercing black eyes and a mesmerizing deep voice swinging a pendulum back and forth, chanting, “You are getting very sleeeeepy.” Hypnosis is terribly misunderstood and the only exposure to hypnosis most people will ever have is a Las Vegas stage show. But stage hypnosis for entertainment and hypnotherapy for behavior change are completely different animals. Could “real” hypnotherapy help you get leaner?
Orthorexia and the New Rules of Clean Eating (Part 2) 
In part one, I described the growing obsession many people have with eating only the purest, healthiest foods, aka “clean eating.” You’d think that nothing but good would come from that, but some experts today dislike the concept of clean foods because it implies a dichotomy where other foods, by default, are “dirty” or forbidden - as in, you can never, ever eat them again (imagine life without chocolate, or pizza… or beer! you guys). Some physicians and psychologists even believe that if taken to an extreme, a fixation on healthy food qualifies as a new eating disorder called orthorexia.
Orthorexia and the New Rules of Clean Eating (Part 1) 
Clean eating has no official definition, but it’s usually described as avoiding processed foods, chemicals, preservatives and artificial ingredients. Instead, clean eaters choose natural foods, the way they came out of the ground or as close to their natural form as possible. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, 100% whole grains, egg whites, fish, and chicken breast are clean eating staples. Clean eating appears to be a desirable, sensible, even noble goal. Eating clean is what we should all strive to do to achieve optimum health and body composition isn’t it? Arguably the answer is mostly yes, but more and more people today are asking, “is it possible to take clean eating too far?”
An Explanation and Solution For Slow Female Fat Loss 
You may have heard (or, heh, realized), that it's more difficult for women to lose fat than men. Immediately most people think it must be estrogen or hormonal issues. But perhaps the biggest factor is NOT hormones, but the simple fact that women are usually smaller and lighter than men.
Trans Fatty Acids: The poison in our food supply that people are STILL eating
Most people are eating a poison every day without giving it a second thought.  This substance can increase belly fat and consuming even small amounts (2% of total energy intake) is consistently linked to coronary heart disease. The research also says that this stuff can increase visceral fat, contribute to insulin resistance, increase risk of type 2 diabetes, increase bad cholesterol, decrease good cholesterol, trigger systemic inflammation and adversely affect almost every cell in your body.
Calorie Restriction for Life Extension: What They Didn't Tell You on Oprah 
On a recent episode of the Oprah show, one of the guests was a 51 year old man with the heart of a 20 year old. He's been following a calorie restriction plan and they said he might be one of the first people to reach 120 years old by following this plan. There have been stories both in the lay press and scientific press about calorie restriction for years and it has been a frequent talk show topic on other many other TV shows. However, before you cut your calories in half in hopes of adding another decade onto your life, you'd better get the other half of the story they didn't talk about on Oprah.
Irvingia Gabonensis Supplement Craze: IN-Credible Weight Loss from an African Tree 
Irvingia gabonensis is the latest weight loss supplement to hit the marketplace, saturate the internet with advertisements, ignite forum discussions and flood my email inbox with questions. In the weight loss marketplace, this may gain the dubious distinction of becoming the next hoodia or acai (scam), but I'll just present the facts, make my case and then let you judge for yourself.
The Real Way to Stop Eating Fast Food 
“How could you eat that junk? It’s so bad for you!” (nag, nag). “Don’t you know those fries will give you a heart attack?” (nag, nag). “You have to stop eating all that fast food, it’s going to make you fat!” (nag nag). “You have to eat more healthy food like fruits and vegetables - they’re good for you!” (nag, nag). Your friends nag you, your family nags you, your doctor nags you, the health newsletters, websites and magazines - they all nag you, and of course, your personal trainer nags the heck out of you, to stop eating all those BAD FAST FOODS. But does all that nagging you and bad-mouthing the fast food industry really help anyone stop?
The 2 Pounds Per Week Rule and How to Burn Fat Faster 
Why do you always hear that 2 pounds per week is the maximum amount of fat you should safely lose? If you train really hard while watching calories closely shouldn’t you be able to lose more fat without losing muscle or damaging your health? What if you want to lose fat faster? How do you explain the fast weight losses on The Biggest Loser? These are all good questions that I’ve been asked many times. With the diet marketplace being flooded every day with rapid weight loss claims, these questions desperately need and deserve some honest answers. Want to know where that 2 pounds per week rule comes from and what it really takes to burn more than 2 pounds of fat per week? Read on.
Stop Cravings and Stop Binge Eating: Advice from a Pizza Man 
In a surprising comment made during a popular UK radio show, the founder of one of the largest Pizza chains in the United States and United Kingdom told listeners not to eat too much pizza!
Speed Eating and Fat Loss: Diet Advice Your Mom Was Right About All Along
A new study just published in a recent issue of the journal Obesity has revealed that thin people eat very differently than heavy people at all-you-can-eat buffet restaurants. Researcher Brian Wansink and his team from the Cornell University Food and Brand Laboratory observed diners at 11 different Chinese buffet restaurants across the United States. Their goal was to find out whether the eating behaviors of people at all-you-can-eat buffets varied based on their body mass.
Avoid This Killer Weight Regain Mistake
Previous research has concluded without a shred of doubt that high levels of exercise are one of the keys to keeping fat off and maintaining your ideal weight. In this new study just published in the October 2008 issue of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, researchers found for the first time, proof that the drop in physical activity that happens automatically during calorie restriction is directly correlated to weight regain.
Listen to Maintainers, not to Losers: 5 Secrets For Keeping the Weight Off for Good
I have very little interest these days in all the media-hyped stories of dramatic, rapid losses of body weight. “Big losers” don’t impress me, for numerous reasons. For example, weight is not fat. “Weight” could be composed of mostly lean tissue, or it could be mostly water weight. In fact, I would go a step further and point out that rapid loss of bodyweight correlates very highly with a greater chance of relapse, weight re-gain and long term failure.
What The New "Low-Carb" Study REALLY Says
A news media feeding frenzy erupted recently when a new diet study broke in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). Almost all the reporters got it wrong, wrong WRONG! So did most of the gloating low carb forumites and bloggers. Come to think of it, almost everyone interpreted this study wrong. Some valuable insights came out of this study, but almost everyone missed them because they were too busy believing what the news said or defending their own cherished belief systems …
How I Got "Ripped" Abs For The Very First Time
I’ll never forget the very first time I got ripped, how I did it and how it felt. I’ve never told this entire story before or widely published my early photos either. Winning first place and seeing my abs the first time was sweet redemption. But before that, it was a story of desperation…
Fat Burners: The Unadulterated Truth
If you've paid any attention at all to the weight loss industry, chances are you've probably heard about some kind of fat burner supplements.  The ads that promote these fat burners usually have a very lean model, often with a six-pack claiming incredible fat loss success.  These companies would like you to believe that the only way to guarantee fat loss progress is by supplementing your diet with one of their "miracle pills," and that it is not so much a matter of proper nutrition and hard work..
Wu Long Tea Weight Loss Scam
With all of the recent buzz, you've probably heard a lot about the incredible fat loss benefits of drinking wu long tea. The odds are good that if you’re interested in improving your health and losing fat, you probably either drink tea, take a green tea supplement or you’ve at least thought about it. But what if I told you that most of the fat reducing claims for green tea were absolute, total BS, based on misinterpretation or deliberate misreporting of the research? Unfortunately, it’s true. If you’ve bought green tea based on the claim that it causes large reductions in body fat, then you have been scammed.
2 Cardio Mistakes You're Still Making
The controversies over cardio for fat loss are endless: steady state versus intervals, fed versus fasted, long and easy versus short and intense, and so on. Obviously there is a lot of interest in cardio training and how to do it right. Sadly, most people are still doing 2 things terribly wrong and it’s killing their results…… As best as I can figure, there are two major reasons why people are still mucking up their cardio programs for fat loss.
Steady State Cardio 5 X More Effective Than HIIT????
High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT for short, has been promoted as one of the most effective training methods ever to come down the pike, both for fat loss and for cardiovascular fitness. One of the most popular claims for HIIT is that it burns “9 times more fat” than conventional (steady state) cardio. This figure was extracted from a study performed by Angelo Tremblay at Laval University in 1994. But what if I told you that HIIT has never been proven to be 9 times more effective than regular cardio… What if I told you that the same study actually shows that HIIT is 5 times less effective than steady state cardio??? Read on and see the proof for yourself.
How Liquid Calories May Be Making You Fat... Even Your Favorite Protein Drinks! 

At least 7 scientific studies have provided strong evidence that energy containing beverages (i.e., “liquid calories”) do not properly activate the satiety mechanisms in the body and brain and do not satisfy the appetite as well as food in solid form. Epidemiological research also supports a positive association between calorie-containing beverage consumption and increased body weight or body mass index. New research now suggests that soda may not be the only culprit…
THE GREAT ABS MISTAKE "He Was Doing One Thousand Crunches And Sit Ups A Day... But Still NO Abs!!! 
After 18 years in the fitness business, “How do I get great abs” is still BY FAR the most frequently asked question I receive out of the 30,000+ emails that come into my office every month. No doubt, it's because abs are the one body part that most people are the most frustrated with. Although their questions are often phrased differently and each person’s situation seems unique, my answer to “how do I get great abs” is almost always the same… and you’re about to hear it...
3500 Calories To Lose A Pound - Is This Formula All Wrong?
Most fitness conscious people have heard that there are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat, so if you create a deficit of 3500 calories in a week, you lose a pound of weight. If you create a deficit of 7000 calories in a week, you lose two pounds, and so on. Right? Well, not so fast. Dr. Kevin Hall, an investigator at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda recently published a new paper in the International Journal of Obesity that throws a wrench in works of the “3500 calories to lose a pound” idea.
Alcohol: Why Some People Can Drink It Without Getting Fat
Alcohol has been implicated as a factor that may hurt your efforts to lose body fat. Whether alcohol is "fattening" has been a controversial subject because technically, alcohol is NOT stored as fat; it is oxidized ahead of other fuels. Whether moderate drinking is healthy has also been a subject of controversy. Many studies show cardiovascular benefits associated with moderate beer or wine drinking, while other studies show improved insulin sensitivity. Some experts however, say that alcohol has no place in a fitness lifestyle. A recent 2007 study published in the journal Obesity adds new findings to our knowledge about alcohol, insulin resistance and abdominal obesity and gives us some insights into why some people seem to drink and get fat while others seem to drink and get thin!
Foods That Burn Fat: The Top 10 Lists 
Anytime the topic of my blogs, articles or newsletters has turned to my own personal grocery shopping list, there has always been a spike in interest. It seems that many people are not only curious about what foods a natural bodybuilder eats to maintain single digit body fat, but they also want to be taken by the hand and told exactly what foods to eat themselves while on fat-burning or muscle building programs. That’s why I decided to put together four separate “top 10” lists of healthy foods that burn fat and build muscle.
Fish Oil May Help Burn Fat, But It's No Fat-Burning Miracle 
Unless you’ve been living under a rock somewhere for the last several years, you’ve probably heard about the health benefits of eating fatty fish or taking fish oil supplements. Well, it looks like you might be able to add fat loss alongside the other benefits like heart, blood, brain, skin and joint health (and the rest of the list, which is too long to print here). However, the fat loss benefit is not as much as some people want you to believe…
The Incredible Shrinking Fat Cell By Tom Venuto 
Earlier this week someone in our discussion forum wrote, "I haven't LOST any fat... I know EXACTLY where it went! I got a chuckle out of that because I "got" the joke, but truth is, most people really don't know where the fat goes when it's burned or how the fat burning process takes place, so this is a really good question.
Abdominal Training Secrets - The Interview, By Tom Venuto With David Grisaffi 
In this full-feature length interview, Tom Venuto interviews Abdominal and core training expert David Grisaffi about the best ways to flatten your abs, improve athletic performance, decrease body fat and eliminate low back back. (DOUBLE COMMISSION OPPORTUNITY for affiliates - TWO clickbank products!
The Low Body Fat Secret Of Bodybuilders And Fitness Models By Tom Venuto 
The secret to getting super lean – I’m talking about being RIPPED, not just “average body fat” – is all about mastering the art of "peaking." Most people do not have a clue about what it takes to reach the type of low body fat levels that reveal ripped six-pack abs, muscle striations, vascularity and extreme muscular definition, so they go about it completely the wrong way....
Body Wraps And Waist Wraps: The Difference Between Losing Fat And Losing Inches
"Body wraps" and rubber waist belts have been around for ages in the weight loss and spa industry. Claims include loss of body weight, loss of body fat, and loss of inches. When your body fat decreases, your circumference measurements usually also decrease, but what few people realize is that “fat” loss and “inch” loss are not one in the same. If you don’t know how to tell the difference, you could be falling for one of the oldest, most notorious fitness and weight loss scams in the book.
Tom Venuto's Top 10 Travel Fitness Tips Part 2
just because you’re traveling doesn’t mean you can’t follow your regular exercise regimen. If you want to continue to improve your physique while on the road, you can! Here are 5 more ways that I did it on my last extended business trip that you may find helpful as well. It begins with a simple decision.
Tom Venuto's Top 10 Travel Fitness Tips, Part 1
just because you’re traveling doesn’t mean you can’t follow your regular exercise regimen. If you want to continue to improve your physique while on the road, you can! Here are 5 ways that I did it on my last extended business trip that you may find helpful as well. It begins with a simple decision.
Cortisol, Stress And Body Fat: Straight Answers To The Top 20 Questions About The Stress Hormone
It seems that every time science uncovers some type of association between body fat and anything, opportunistic entrepreneurs are waiting in the shadows to create a product and a marketing campaign around it. The most recent example is when researchers discovered a correlation between cortisol and abdominal body fat. Cortisol was then blamed as the latest culprit in the obesity problem, and cortisol-suppressing pills were touted as the “miracle solution.” .
Protein Supplements Vs. Protein Foods
Did you ever notice how so many articles about protein in bodybuilding and fitness magazines are slanted towards hyping some "revolutionary" new protein product? did you ever wonder why? Are protein powders and supplements really better than protein foods? Although protein powders can be very useful, as with most aspects of the bodybuilding supplement industry, the subject of protein is often driven more by marketing hype than science.
How To Use Super-Sizing, Portion Distortion And Dietary Displacement To Your Advantage
Ever since the independent film, Super Size Me was released, research on the relationship between increasing obesity and increasing portion sizes has skyrocketed and the results have been virtually unanimous. There have been numerous well-designed studies published just in the last several years which confirmed exactly what we suspected (and much of what Super-Size-Me suggested)
How To Repair A Damaged Metabolism
If you've caused metabolic damage as a result of following starvation diets or losing weight too rapidly in the past, it can be extremely difficult to achieve any further fat loss at all. The good news is, metabolic damage can be repaired. All it takes is the right combination of metabolism stimulating exercise and metabolism stimulating nutrition...
Induction Destruction: The Perils Of Diving Into Strict Diets Head First
One thing that almost all mainstream popular diets have in common is an “induction phase” (or the equivalent). This is often done under the scientific-sounding labels of “making the metabolic switch” from “carb burner” to “fat burner.” However, "induction" is simply a politically correct way to say you have to crash diet and starve yourself in the beginning... which is a one way ticket to eventual weight regain and metabolic destruction!
Increase Your Metabolism And Curb Your Appetite With This Fat-Burning Food Group
There have been countless studies performed on the role of protein in the muscle growth process to try and determine exactly how much protein you should consume to build muscle mass. Recently, several studies have looked at the role that dietary protein plays in helping you lose fat, and more importantly, helping you keep it off! One thing scientists have discovered is that eating lean protein foods is important for regulating body composition because it decreases your appetite.
What a "Muscle-head" Says About Organic Food
Last week I was talking about nutrition with one of my workout buddies and when I mentioned grass fed beef and "organic food” he asked, "Do you mean like what you get at Whole Foods Market?" I said, "Yes, exactly... that's a natural food and organic supermarket." He said, "Yeah well, that place costs so much, I call it Whole Paycheck!"I was rolling on the floor laughing, but the truth is, organic food really is expensive so it's a valid question to ask, “Is it worth it?” After researching the subject, let me offer you my take on it from a bodybuilder’s viewpoint. This is a perspective on organics you may not have heard before.
Nutrition Or Training - Which Is More Important?
Legendary bodybuilding trainer Vince, "The Iron Guru" Gironda was famous for saying, "Bodybuilding is 80% nutrition!" Is this really true or is this just another fitness and bodybuiding myth passed down like gospel without ever being questioned? This IS an interesting question and I believe there is a definite answer:
Banking Calories - Eat Less Now To Pig Out Later?
Suppose you’re on a diet and you have a banquet or a holiday party coming up. You’re expecting a big meal to be served for dinner, and there will be open bar with lots and lots of “party snacks.” You’re not sure if there will be any healthy food there, but you are sure that you’re going to be in a festive, partying mood! What should you do? Should you cut back on your food earlier in the day to make room for the big feast?
Top 10 Bonehead Workout Mistakes
Common workout mistakes has always been a very popular topic in fitness publications. But no matter how many times this subject is re-hashed, you almost always hear about the same half a dozen or so mistakes, including poor form, overtraining, going too heavy, not stretching, not warming up, and so on.. Ironically, you seldom hear about the biggest mistakes of all. I call these humongous bloopers “bonehead mistakes” because once you start to analyze and think about them, they’re really just common sense
Don't Be A Big Loser: Why You Should Say No To Quick Weight Loss
There are hundreds of ways to lose weight quickly, but only one way to lose fat and keep it off in the long term.
How To Lose 20 Pounds In 5 Minutes
Absolutely guaranteed to be the fastest way to take off 20 pounds that you have ever seen.
Did You Inherit Fat Genes? The Truth About Biology And Body Fat
Is obesity a genetically inherited disease or something you control? Some researchers say it's all genetics, but with billions of dollars in weight loss drug sales at stake, you might want to think twice before listening to those who say fat is just fate.
The Glycemic Index: Is Glycemic Index The key to fat loss or just another diet gimmick?
Many diet programs revolve around the concept of Glycemix Index (GI). Some even say that the GI is the “key to fat loss.” While the GI is one important aspect of fat burning nutrition, using GI as your only criteria for choosing foods may not be the diet panacea that some “gurus” want you to believe.
The Truth About Counting Calories And Weight Loss
Count calories, count portions or calories don't count? Discover the truth
Everything You Need To Know About Loose Skin And Weight Loss
If you're extremely overweight or if you've been extremely overweight in the past, then you know that getting rid of excess weight is only one of the challenges you face. Once the fat is gone, you are often confronted with an equally frustrating cosmetic problem; Loose skin.

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#1 Selling Fitness Author Hailed By Oprah Magazine as "Honest"
Reveals a Fat Burning System So Powerful, It's Guaranteed To Help you Lose Fat By Eating More Meals Every Day....Read On.
This Program Really Changed Sally's Life! Just Look What She Has to Say Underneath Her Pics. 
"Burn The Fat Feed the Muscle (BFFM) has changed my life. I have lost 3 dress sizes in 4 months and feel better than ever before. I now have my husband on the program. If we can do it with 4 kids and full time jobs -- anyone can."

Eating to Lose Weight.
A weird concept, right? Well it is true. Eating more SMALL meals throughout the day will actually help you lose weight and build lean muscle mass. Read more....
In this article, we are going to go into the idea of how eating 4 to 6, small, but healthy meals a day is best for anyone who wants to  keep a healthy body. It is even more important for those looking build and maintain muscle mass.
"Hey Tom, I just wanted to let you know that today I got my body fat tested using skinfolds, and I ended up hitting 4% bodyfat! Thank you for your guidance in your Burn The Fat manual, I feel like I owe you far more than I paid for the book."
  • Eating to lose weight speeds up your metabolism and so actually helps you to lose weight rather than gaining.
This in turn helps the body to get rid of and use more calories in the long run.
When you eat 4 to 6 meals a day (which should consist of a small meal every 3 to 4 hrs), the body is constantly being supplied the nurishment and energy it needs throughout the whole day. 
Eating healthy foods in particular helps in speeding up the body's metabolism, making it even more efficient at burning off those calories. (eating like this will stop the body from getting tired during the day)
"I'm a 40 year old mom with 3 children, ages 11, 6 and 4. Before, I was 85 kg and 36.5% body fat, size 40. I was fat, miserable, and my family life and relationship were suffering. I wasn't able to do anything with my kids, I was tired and constantly irritated. 
My husband knew someone who did the Burn The Fat programme and it changed his life, so I decided to do it too. I lost 15 kg in 8 months and kept it off. In the next 3 months, because of my desire to be "hot at 40," I took it to a new level. Tom taught me how and I lost another 8 kgs and competed in my first figure/bikini competition."
- Bonnie VanNiekerk
  • Eating good nutritious food on an irregular basis causes the metabolism to speed up.
BUT, eating 3 meals, spaced at 6 hours intervals or more per day will cause your metabolism to stay as is, meaning that you will not lose weight.
That's right. Eating 3 meals or less per day will actually slow your metabolism down. Why? Your body would be without nutrients for about 6 hours between each of those meals.
This means that your body 'THINKS' it needs to store fat for energy. We call this the 'starvation mode'. (only eating when you're hungry)
Your body hangs onto the unwanted fat, to use later for energy. In addition, without food, your body will quickly begin to break down muscle tissue for energy.
  • Six Daily Meals = Higher Energy and Faster Fat Burning.
Eating 4 to 6 small meals a day is good for maintaining an ideal level of  blood sugar, which in turn prevents hunger attacks.
It will also give you  more energy to be productive throughout the day, not to mention helping with your motivation for your workout. (if you are combining exercise with your diet)
  • Grow Muscle Faster.
Frequent, small meals will regulate the amount of insulin in the body and gives it an ideal amount of amino acids to the muscle cells,  promoting the growth of muscles in the process.
"Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle (BFFM) was exactly what I needed to break through and permanently burn off my unwanted fat. I picked up the program during a weight loss plateau - exactly the point where I usually quit.
The mindset and goal creation exercises were exactly what I needed to get headed back in the right direction. 
BFFM is a comprehensive text book of nutrition, training, and motivation all acting in synergy to produce results beyond what I ever dreamed possible."
- Brian Nordberg
  • Muscle weighs LESS THAN FAT.
More muscle means your  body will be burning more calories on a daily basis. That is why it is  important to do weight training in addition to cardio in order to lose weight as efficiently as possible.
Eating small and frequent meals makes your whole body work harder and helps use the vitamins and minerals in the best way possible.  
  • A Simple Idea; Eat More = Weigh Less.

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